Affirmations For Vulnerability

Being vulnerable is not easy, especially when you have lived a traumatic life. Every time you try to express yourself, you begin questioning your feelings. Is there anything you can do?

Yes! Reciting affirmations for vulnerability allows you to open your heart up and express yourself fearlessly!

When you recite these positive affirmations for vulnerability consistently. You will begin to experience profound inner peace. You will no longer feel conflicted and you will learn to choose yourself before everyone else. These affirmations will help you value your needs and fill you with the courage to share them with the world.

positive affirmations for vulnerability

Top 7 Positive affirmations for vulnerability

Are you ready to affirm? I suggest reading these affirmations for vulnerability out loud to get started with your journey to be boldly vulnerable!
  1. I am proud of the person that I’ve grown to be.
  2. I embrace my needs and I demand the same from others.
  3. Others love me as much as I love them!
  4. I am enough!
  5. I accept my vulnerability.
  6. It’s easy for me to share my feelings!
  7. I matter, so do others! I love myself as much as I love others!

These positive affirmations for vulnerability will align you with your authentic self and help you express your needs in every situation!

affirmations to get through the day

Top 7 Affirmations To Get Through The Day

When you’re feeling down and out, use these 7 affirmations to get through your day. Always remember that you’re powerful enough to easily make your way through everything life throws at you.
  1. I embrace my true self.
  2. Although I am flawed, I deserve care.
  3. I am careful about who I trust.
  4. I am perfect with all my imperfections.
  5. Love and respect are my birth-right.
  6. I let go of the need to people-please.
  7. My friends help me every time I need them.

These affirmations will help you move on from whatever stressors you’re dealing with right now. Whenever you start feeling sad, lost, or dejected, don’t forget to use these affirmations to get through the day! No matter what you’re dealing with right now, I can guarantee that there are better days ahead!

affirmations for when things go wrong

Top 7 affirmations for When Things Go Wrong

When everything seems to be going wrong, the last thing you need is a lecture. Without further ado, let’s move on to our top 7 affirmations for when things go wrong.
  1. I am full of compassion for others and myself.
  2. I am aware of my power and I embrace it fully.
  3. I am lovable.
  4. I have grown tremendously from this experience.
  5. I love myself regardless of bad experiences.
  6. I embrace my emotions.
  7. My perseverance is impressive.

When everything seems to go wrong, believe in your ability to make it right!

Your eerie Moon forecast for today

moon reading

Top 8 Positive affirmations for Feeling Vulnerable In A Relationship

Who doesn’t want to be loved? But, is it always easy to make a relationship work

Opening your heart up and expressing yourself fearlessly is an even bigger challenge. 

To tackle it, use these positive affirmations for feeling vulnerable in a relationship and expressing your needs clearly.

  1. I am worthy of commitment. My partner is just as authentic and vulnerable as I am.
  2. I am open to new relationships.
  3. I do not feel shy about expressing my feelings to my partner.
  4. I am happy in my amazing relationships.
  5. Others love me just as much as I love them.
  6. I’m grateful to my partner for loving me unconditionally.
  7. I welcome love in all its forms.
  8. I don’t let my past relationships stop me from experiencing true love now.

Whether you’re feeling stuck in an existing relationship or are trying to attract new love in life, use these positive affirmations for feeling vulnerable in your relationships.

iceland waterfall

7 Best Feel-Good Affirmations

Who doesn’t wanna feel good? 

Use these feel-good affirmations multiple times throughout your day.

  1. I am infinite. My potential is limitless.
  2. I am inspired.
  3. Time is an illusion. There are no deadlines.
  4. I thank God today- for all the lesions and the blessings!
  5. I open my heart to new possibilities.
  6. I am dedicated to my vision and I will continuously strive to make it a reality.
  7. I am full of ambition. I can achieve all of my desires.

Whenever you feel tired, recite these feel-good affirmations to feel recharged and rejuvenated.

after work affirmations

Top 10 After-Work Affirmations

Are there any affirmations that you can recite after work?

Supercharge Your Affirmations with Lunar Guidance

Want to make your affirmations more powerful? Let the moon show you your true path and boost your growth.

Why not?

Use these after-work affirmations to empower yourself after working all day!

  1. I am well-rested and I look forward to doing better work tomorrow.
  2. I love all my colleagues, even those who challenge me.
  3. I am successful. I embrace my failures as a part of my success story.
  4. Challenges only bring out my untapped potential.
  5. I work consistently.
  6. I release all the burgers of my day now.
  7. I do what I love. My work supports my vision in life.
  8. I know my priorities. I don’t need to worry about anything.
  9. I love my professional life as much as I love my personal life.
  10. I have enough time to rest.

Hold on! 

What if you have a bad day? 

Let’s now move on to the best affirmations that will help you after a bad day!

affirmations after a bad day

8 Best Affirmations After A Bad Day

All of us have bad days. Usually, they ruin our moods for the rest of the week.

This is because when you have bad days, we expect the following days to be worse. This continues until life surprises us with some good news(which doesn’t hopper very often) or we learn to not let bad days overpower us!

Recite these affirmations after a bad day to turn it around and be hopeful for the coming days!

Ready to Discover Your Destiny?

Your Moon Reading holds the answers you’ve been searching for. Unlock the secrets of your personality, relationships, and life path today!

  1. It’s okay to have a bad day.
  2. I am allowing myself to grow into new heights.
  3. I love myself regardless of bad experiences.
  4. Today was a learning experience.
  5. My perseverance is impressive.
  6. I embrace my emotions.
  7. If my mind can create fears, it can conquer them just as well!
  8. Success delayed is not success denied.

Just because you have one bad day doesn’t mean your entire life is bad. You have the power to change your mood for good.

Recite these affirmations after a bad day multiple times until you start believing in a better future!

Vulnerability is a virtue! It improves your relationship, not only in your love life but in all the areas of your life.

Our connections significantly impact the quality of our life. When you’re open about your needs and are open to delivering what others need, nothing can stop you from living your best life!

Reciting or even writing affirmations helps you challenge the limiting beliefs that are blocking you from being authentic and expressing yourself freely. They help you program your subconscious mind and develop new insights to better deal with your day-to-day nuances.

Recite these 50 affirmations for vulnerability every day to receive the best results! You deserve to be heard. But, for that, you will need to be vulnerable and express your feelings courageously. We believe in you, do you believe in yourself though?

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