number 555 affirmations

Has your life been way too chaotic lately? You’re in luck! Today we’ll discuss some 555 Affirmations that will help you navigate through this. The number 555 is literally about thriving in chaos. Whatever you’re going through right now is not the end of the world.

These number 555 affirmations will help you turn challenges into opportunities, conflict into peace, and chaos into tranquility.

Our list of 555 Hz affirmations can also be used to support necessary changes and manifest love, health, and abundance. These affirmations will help you challenge your limiting beliefs and prove to yourself that you are worthy of all you desire.


555 Hz Affirmations

5 is the number of losses and changes. Most people usually go into a state of fear when they begin seeing 5, 55, or 555. Change always leads to growth. Chaos and uncertainty teach us to be patient.

When you write or recite 555 affirmations, you begin to navigate through these chaotic energies. You grow out of fear and stagnancy and begin experiencing a sense of peace.

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Here are a few 555 Hz affirmations that will assist you in navigating through difficult life changes.

  1. Change is the first step towards evolution.
  2. I know that this trying time will only lead to positive changes.
  3. I understand that growth takes time. One cannot force it.
  4. Each day brings exciting new opportunities to make positive changes.
  5. I know that things will get better. I will not back down! Things will get better.
  6. I am enough. I can get through this situation.
  7. This experience is only making me stronger.
  8. I love myself enough to want to make necessary changes in my life. I will always give my best shot.
  9. I know that things aren’t working right now. Who says that they never will? I look forward to the future.
  10. I know that I am taken care of.
  11. I know that I am not alone. The Universe is with me.
  12. I am divinely supported.
  13. I am in harmony with life’s flow.
  14. I love myself enough to modify my destructive behavioral patterns.
  15. I am in charge of my life.
  16. There is no uncertainty. I know where I am going.
  17. I know that circumstances do not and cannot control me. I always have a choice in every situation.
  18. I choose to believe in myself.
  19. I will do everything to make myself happier and more fulfilled than I was before.
  20. I create my reality.
love affirmations flower

555 Affirmations For Love

555 love affirmations will help you release your past and open your heart up to welcome new relationships that support and nurture you.

Let’s go through some 555 Affirmations that you can use to change the negative beliefs and patterns that are detrimental to your love life.

  1. I only attract single and available men.
  2. I love myself unconditionally.
  3. I am open to loving and nurturing connections.
  4. I am worthy of care.
  5. I welcome new love in my life.
  6. I release all the pain from my past relationships.
  7. I don’t need to obsess. I know that I will find my soulmate soon.
  8. I am magnetic and charismatic.
  9. I am love.
  10. I am attracting the right partner.
  11. I am always loved.
  12. I am ready for true love.
  13. I am ready to be swept off my feet.
  14. I know that my relationship with X is progressing.
  15. I know what true love is. I experience it every day.
spiritualism manifestation

555 Affirmations For Manifestation

If you love the law of attraction, then 5 is your lucky number. 555 represents our ability to want more from life. Guess what! It is possible! 555 affirmations manifest the life of your dreams by nudging you to change both your mindset and actions. These affirmations prepare you to receive your manifestation. They also encourage you to work hard and be an active creator

Here are a few 555 Affirmations for manifestation than will help you co-create with the Universe and instruct it to deliver the life you’re so excited to live.

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  1. I am ready to write my epic love story.
  2. My future is in my hands. I am so thankful to the Universe for helping me to manifest a new house/career/partner.
  3. I decide my fate. No one else can or ever will.
  4. I am powerful.
  5. I am all I need to be.
  6. I am creative. I am ready to re-write the stories that are excuses. I will realize my true potential.
  7. I am ready to change my life for good.
  8. I am full of endless new ideas.
  9. I am not afraid of shaking things up.
  10. Innovation should be my middle name.
money bitcoin affirmations

555 Money Affirmations

The tricky thing about manifesting money is that money is a man-made concept. We value dollars over food, air, and even water. We have created a system where it’s not possible to be happy about how much money you have regardless of the amount.

If you want to manifest money in your life, shift your attitude about money. Treat it like it is- a man-made concept to objectify efforts. It’s not totally a bad thing though. Since money is a man-made concept, it’s not as difficult to manifest as it seems. We don’t need to go against natural laws.

Use the following 555 Money Affirmation to feel abundant and wealthy.

  1. I can’t believe how talented I am. I deserve to be paid well for my efforts.
  2. I am so excited to use the money I have to help others.
  3. I am worthy of abundance.
  4. I know my worth. I am willing to hustle to get it.
  5. My bank balance is finally changing for good.
  6. I am full of ambition.
  7. Doors to abundance are always open.
  8. I make $5000 every month.
  9. I am compensated well for my efforts.
  10. I am wealthy.
raspberries and blackberries health affirmations

555 Health Affirmations

Health wise, 555 is the perfect frequency to use while making lifestyle changes to attain your health goals.

Using 555 Affirmations for health will help you live a healthy life.

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You will no longer be run down by diseases and stress. It’s not right to promise results when it comes to health. Please don’t substitute medical advice with these affirmations.

Use these 555 health affirmations complementary to the advice of your doctor.

  1. My mind, body, and spirit are completely healthy.
  2. I am open to making helpful lifestyle changes.
  3. I love eating nutritious food.
  4. I love fruits and veggies more than fast food.
  5. I exercise regularly. I know that regular exercise is necessary for my health.
  6. I express my health-related concerns to the right person easily.
  7. My body is perfect. I don’t need to be insecure about anything.
  8. I feel happy and heath every day.
  9. I love running/jogging every day.
  10. I am always energetic.
  11. I love my body.
  12. I love every inch of my body.
  13. I am physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.
  14. I love taking care of my health. I trust my body’s wisdom. I will listen to it every day.
willow catkin

Bottom Line

Overall, 555 affirmations are excellent for dealing with uncertainty, or while making difficult life-changing decisions.

The number 5 can also represent the 5 elements- fire, air, earth, water, and spirit.

Number 555 affirmations help with holistic care and taking care of every area of your life, be it health, money, or love.

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